Day- 03
Class -: NURSERY
Subject – Maths
Written – MATHS WORK BOOK (Sleeping line and standing line)
Oral- Poem early to bed
कविता – मोटुराम ,
मुन्ने राजा
Oral- shapes name, colours name, fruits name, vegetable name
Oral- A to z, Counting from 1 to 30, अ से अ: तक।
Home work -same as class work
Class- KG II
Maths- (W+O)
Write counting 1 to 50
Hindi – (w+o)
चित्र देखकर अक्षर मिलाओ। And
चित्र देखकर सही अक्षर पर गोला लगाइए।
EVS (O) – Good habits and good manners
Hindi,Eng – poems (o)
Maths- (o) table of 2, back counting 20 to 1 and counting 1 to 100
Rhythm Bookwork is done